Wednesday, November 11, 2009


It's been awhile since we've published any of these, and I'm sure we've forgotten a lot of good ones, but we're back.

-While riding in the car, coming home from school:
Zoe: "I'm holding my baby [stuffed octopus] like a mommy."
Daddy: "You're doing things just like a big girl!"
Zoe: "[sigh]Yeah, I growing up."

-again in the car, discussing her next birthday party,
Daddy: "What kind of cake do you want?"
Zoe: (long pause), "I am putting my finger on my mouth and saying, 'hmmm'." (another long pause), "hmmmmmm.", "I don't know yet."

-Zoe: "Daddy, will you carry my baby?"
Daddy: "I thought you were going to?"
Z: "I'm not a mommy now; I'm a baby."
D: "You can still carry her, can't you?"
Z: (chuckling) "Babies don't carry babies, Daddy!"


  1. How about a photo of this baby who is growing up & talking so much?

  2. Sounds like Edwin and Zoe are at the same type of stage conversation wise although Zoe has some great comebacks.

    Edwin :Please can I have some more lemonade?
    Parent : The Lemonade is all in the Edwin
    Edwin : Then go to shop and get some more. Pay money.

    Edwin : Rabbit likes carrots
    Parent : Hopeful of a vegetable eating moment -Edwin like some carrot?
    Edwin -But Tiggers don't like carrots
