Saturday, November 21, 2009

Photos at last, but don't get used to it yet.

The iPhoto software has been out of commission on our main computer, and still is, but I've borrowed Andrea's work computer to post a few of our zillions of backlogged pics. So without further ado, here you go.

The first two are while in Amboseli Game Preserve in Kenya, on a lookout point, where we were able to see a family of 5 elephants being led by the mother, several zebras, giraffes, a few warthogs, and many birds. There were some crocodiles not far away, though we didn't know it at the time.
The next one is at a rest stop while en route to our final game park, Tsavo West. We got out to look at the lava fields from the most recent eruption, hundreds of years ago, and still barren and formidable. Interestingly, the volcanic soil is sometimes credited with the reason behind the fertility of the land, and sometimes blamed for nothing growing in the desert near there. Zoe enjoyed throwing volcano rocks.
The next is Zoe proudly showing off her pigtails, and then Andrea and Zoe after finishing reading her bedtime stories.
She's been more into cuddling and has a new habit of grabbing us by the neck, and pulling us into her for hugs and kisses. I'm really into that. Unfortunately, she's simultaneously making serious strides in the art of whining. Oh well.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Deja vu

Some times it's scary how you can read something that seems like it must have been written by a total stranger about your life. Probably the first ever blog I read with any regularity is Sweet Juniper, written by Dutch, about his wife Wood, and their adventures in life with their children Juniper and Gram, and their dog Wendell. They were young hipsters living in San Francisco when they became parents, and struggled to balance all of this. Then they moved back to the Midwest, to the middle of Detroit, and Dutch stopped working to become a full-time dad and blogger. He's a fantastic photographer and I really enjoy his writing, though I wish he'd write more about the kids (there is a backstory to why this changed) like he used to do.

Anyway, I found this post today and felt as though it was something I could have written if only I had the forethought and talent.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


It's been awhile since we've published any of these, and I'm sure we've forgotten a lot of good ones, but we're back.

-While riding in the car, coming home from school:
Zoe: "I'm holding my baby [stuffed octopus] like a mommy."
Daddy: "You're doing things just like a big girl!"
Zoe: "[sigh]Yeah, I growing up."

-again in the car, discussing her next birthday party,
Daddy: "What kind of cake do you want?"
Zoe: (long pause), "I am putting my finger on my mouth and saying, 'hmmm'." (another long pause), "hmmmmmm.", "I don't know yet."

-Zoe: "Daddy, will you carry my baby?"
Daddy: "I thought you were going to?"
Z: "I'm not a mommy now; I'm a baby."
D: "You can still carry her, can't you?"
Z: (chuckling) "Babies don't carry babies, Daddy!"